a few, fun facts about me

I am a happy girl. I love this life and everything about it. The Lord is my light and he makes ways for me. I love to be happy. I love to laugh, and laugh hard. I like to love and love alot. Talking is something I am good at. I love squirrels. Fall, troy football, Christmas, Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, fireplaces, and Christmas trees, shoes of all kinds, Pinterest, shopping, Etsy, turquiose, Alabama, Chicago, the Beach, 30-A, pictures, Target, forever21, walmart, AGD, my camera, children, babies from other countries, Zoes and JETER are just a few of my favorite things. Cold weather makes me happy. I like to wear brown, cream, olive green and turquoise (at the same time), I want to get married and I cant wait to be with that person FORVER. I long for the day I get to plan a wedding with my mom. The day I get to pick out my wedding dress will be one of the best days of my life. I dream of being a mommy, and pray that I am fortunate enough to be one. I want to own my own home and decorate it. I love quotes, and I love the Bible. Going to Church makes any Sunday a good one. I do not like to read unlless it is large print on only a few pages. I like beach hats and Ray Bans. High Heels are for the birds, I like my feet to be rubbed and my back to be scratched. Milos tea with splenda wakes me up every morning. A bath tub, shower and toothbrush are my best friends, I dont like dirty feet, and I dont like lotion on my hands. I like sunshine and rain, and I will play in both of them. trampolines and hot air balloons are just great. I like campfires and wearing warm clothes. The little things in life mean the most to me and looking forward to the future is my favorite thing to do =) I am a happy girl just trying to be me!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In GODS time

Through all that has happened over the past couple of weeks, Trusting in Him, Relying on His Promises, Waiting for His Answers, Believing in His Miracles, REJOiCiNG in His GOODNESS and RELAXiNG in His PRESENCE has been the main focus. Often wondering "why" things have happened the way they have. Asking God why. We will never understand. Just trusting in his promise that He works for the GOOD of those who LOVE him. If this doesnt make you want to LOVE him even MORE than you already do then I dont know what will. When I read scripture now, it speaks to me in a whole new way. It is AWESOME! Continuing to TRUST God. I know that he has a plan, a BIG plan, a GOOD plan a PERFECT PLAN for all of us. I was thinking today, and I came across this verse...."A mans HEART plans his ways, but the LORD determines his FOOTSTEPS" Proverbs 16:9. I am ever so guilty of trying to "PLAN" my life. What I am going to do, when I am going to do it, how its going to be done and so on...well I have recently learned and have often been reminded that guess what Kady....it is NOT up to you. I sometimes think God probably sits around and laughs at me because HE knows ALL, and really...I know NOTHING. I think God gets a kick out of watching me try to "plan" my life because He knows that HE is the planner, the only planner. I am working so hard now to stop worrying about the things that don't matter, stop getting caught up with the things of the world. Focus on what is important...most important. My walk with Him. Obviously we have seen life be taken in an instant, and because of that, seeing that, knowing that, I want to start living the life that if something happened to me tomorrow, if the end was here, if my race was over...would the last days of my life be what they needed to be. Would my purpose be served, would my duties be fullfilled. I am striving to live more like Christ...NO i'll never be anywhere near what He is, but I can TRY! and i WiLL TRY!


  1. Kady, obviously I didn't know you before all of this that well but I tell you I am encouraged by you everyday! You certainly are producing fruit beyond measure and our LORD is speaking through you and touching those lives that hear you. So proud of you and even more proud to be your friend. We will stick together through and through and share our love for Brittany all those days.

  2. Thank, Holly! I am so thankful for you and the friendship that we are building! I am so HAPPY to get to spend time with "all mans" and I cant wait for Tyson to get home so that we can all spend time together! yes, we will stick together through ALL of this! THANK YOU for everything! Love you
